The Inchie Challenge 2021

Dear Wonderful, Creative You:

Each summertime I host an art claiming that focuses on getting you to run across your top art goals – make more fun, meaningful art. There is and so much that can go far the way of your creative life. I want to assistance you make art making so accessible, so enticing, that you only cannot help but create a piffling bit each day.

What is the Inchie Challenge?

The challenge is unproblematic- make a 2 inch art slice every day for 12 days August xvi-27th. I'll electronic mail you a prompt each day. You can share your inchies with our online community with #inchiechallenge2021 and #mindfulartstudio.

And the matter is that the more you appoint in this practise of working a fiddling flake each day, the more you lot realize that y'all can fit fine art into your mean solar day. There is space in your life for a little art. Click hither to start right away.

inchie art

Seeing how big an impact the weekly Tiresome Drawing sessions have had for and then many people, I decided that this year I wanted to create a gratis class to help yous prep for the claiming. For me, preparation is one of the biggest elements that helps me come up back to create day after 24-hour interval. It's got to be easy and inviting. With 5 video lessons and a meaty little PDF, you'll accept all the guidance yous demand.

A Little Fine art Every Day will bear witness you:

  1. Embracing small art as a way to brand more fine art.
  2. Why simplifying your supplies matters
  3. A 3-part arroyo to piece of cake, joyful art making
  4. A guided inchie idea generation worksheet
  5. 5 – Minute inchie prompt nosotros'll create together
  6. Turning your small pieces into large scale fine art

This is going to be such a fun feel to share with you. Be certain to share your piece of work on social media with #mindfulartstudio so we tin all see your beautiful little pieces and prep!

Creatively Yours,



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